Feb 5, 2007

February is Heart Health Month

February is Heart Health Month. Celebrate by working on your heart. Here are 10 ideas to get you started.

  1. Go with more Grains - More whole grains like whole wheat pasta, brown rice and oatmeal make your diet happy.
  2. Fruits and Veggies ROCK! - Using these for snacks and dinner are the keys to winning with this combo.
  3. Hold the Salt - Use herbs for flavor instead and keep sodium under 2400 milligrams/day.
  4. Use Those Stairs! - Walk whenever you can. Every mini-session throughout the day helps add up to the recommended 30-minutes.
  5. Portion Control - Pasta = 1/2 cup. Ice cream = 1 scoop.
    Small is good. Small is trendy. Small is the new... well, small.
  6. Counting Calories - Yeah, we all hate this part, but know your limit and stick with it as much as possible.
  7. Remember your Omega 3's - These essential fatty acids, found in salmon, trout, herring, sardines and walnuts, can really lower your risk. Try for two times a week.
  8. Time for an Oil Change - No, not the car. Switch from butter, margarine, corn and coconut oil to olive oil and canola oil or trans-fat free spreads.
  9. Extinguish Your Ciggy - Cigarettes = bad. Duh.
  10. Get "Sexy" - Making "whoopie" three times a week can cut your risk of heart attack in half. (!-Hubbies everywhere will rejoice-!)
Thank you to The Menu Mom for this wonderful list and reminder. They also have GREAT menus, recipes and articles over there. Check it out.
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