I'm a stay home mom in Idaho. My three oldest are girls and all in school - 5th, 3rd, and 1st grades. My youngest is a boy and somewhat of a terror at times! He's almost 4. Baby Bunting will be joining our family this mid-summer and we're so excited!
I love my etsy shop, my sewing work, and my family. I attend a Bible Study Fellowship class each week and we're studying Matthew this year. Hubbers is into aggressive inline roller blading and (of all things for a 30+ year old) break dancing! The kids are actually getting pretty good at it! We hit the skate park weekly in the summer and the roller rink weekly in the winter. The kids are VERY good at inline blading, even TheBoy is getting better.
You can read the about me to the side, and it pretty much says it all. Welcome, readers! Please feel free to leave me a comment. I'm pregnant and cranky/tired, but I'll come and visit you, too!
Party On, Excellent!!

This is a sticky post and will stay at the top of my blog until 14 March and the end of the party. You can see more recent posts below this.
Thanks for the party invite. I can't wait to check out more. Looks like fun around here!
Nice blog! Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family!
Hope you're having a good time partying. :-)
Happy Ultimate Blog Party! Isn't it fun to hop to all these great blogs? Hope you're having a good time too.
I don't think that I ever visited your Etsy shop before. It's fabulous! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. With the office remodel and this party extravaganza, it's been a fun week! Have a great time party hopping.
Love your blog!
Wanted to invite you to enjoy my PHOTOS ONLY A MOM WOULD TAKE week!
A contest will be announced on my GABBIN' MAMA video blog tomorrow!!
Don't miss it!
Stay tuned and join in the fun! A great prize (hint: bling bling) waits in the wings!!
See ya there!
I'm not invited in the blog party ... :(
But I love crashing ... err, visiting your place.
Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!
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