How about you? Do you do the good old pencil and calculator routine? I like Turbo Tax online - efile there, too. Because Hubbers invests with Vanguard, we get a Turbo Tax discount. Check out your investment company and see if they offer a discount.
There - that's my best tax season advice. That and get it done as early as possible. No more doom cloud for you, either.
In good news, I'm approaching my 500th blog post! I have a baby doctor appointment tomorrow and the ultrasound on Friday. Hubbers got "kung foo'd" by the little bunting over the weekend. It's the first time he felt this one move. I guess it's time to work on names. Tomorrow is also the last 6th grade home ec class. Thank the Heavens!! Other people's kids? Those other people can just keep them...

I haven't been here in awhile...I am SO HAPPY about your pregnancy!! WOO HOO!! WTG!
You're far enough along for Hubbers to feel the kicks? Where did the time go??
When I followed a link through our bank's website (www.53.com), I was able to get 15% off on Turbo Tax. It doesn't say you need to have a Fifth Third account though, even though I do.
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