Feb 5, 2007

The Hard Part of Growing Up

No, it's not for the kids I'm writing of - it's for me. It's so hard for me to see my babies growing up, and exciting, too! I love watching my girls grow into young women, beautiful and smart. The hard part comes with the laundry.

Not only do they start going through six pairs of clothes per day (at least), but they also are outgrowing EVERYTHING we own. I look at them in their school uniforms and realize, belatedly, that all three of them are wearing FLOODS!

I should have remembered that this happened at this time last year. Why do kids always seem to do their growing in the winter? I guess it's more noticeable now, since there are long pants, shirts, and sweaters to grow out of. The summer comes with shorts and tanks - no visible growing.

So don't be surprised if the next time you look at your children, they're growing like weeds right before your eyes! Little women and men...

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

They do grow way too fast! It makes me sad.

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