Dec 22, 2006

Recycling Baby Mobiles

I like to think that I'm thrifty and frugal. I shop at the local thrift stores for good deals on everything from school uniform bits to craft and sewing supplies. I reuse what I can and recycle aluminum cans. I give homemade gifts (from the heart!) for holidays. So when I ran across this idea for recycling pieces from the mobile my babies loved at, I was excited!

Each of my baby girls had their own infant/crib mobile. When the baby outgrew her infant/crib mobile, I took the mobile apart and made Christmas tree ornaments out of the pieces by attaching some silk holly and a pretty ribbon. So to this day, my tree has the unique mobile shaped ornaments that my girls reached out for and touched as infants. My daughters, all grown now, will have their very first Christmas ornaments to hang on their own Christmas trees when they marry.

Pretty cool, huh? I have an OLD OLD baby mobile (perhaps Fisher Price?) that was around when I was born (Okay, not ThAT old...) that would make a great set of ornaments! You know, foam farm animals in 1970's colors.

Another great idea:
I did the same thing with my two boys, who are now 10 and 12. In addition, I took their wooden blocks and inserted a screw with a circular opening, and pulled ribbon through, and hung them too.

This sounds pretty neat and is something I think I will try. After I can get the kids to reliquish their hold on the blocks. In a couple years.
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