Corned beef and cabbage
Chicken and broccoli over rice
Mac and Cheese Deluxe (shell mac with frozen veggies and leftover meats thrown in)
Bacon, eggs, and pancakes
It's actually Sunday night when I'm posting this, but Mondays are always so busy that I made the corned beef tonight. St Patrick's day will just have to live with whatever little leftovers make it past Daddy's lunch raid tomorrow.

Today was Palm Sunday - never a good time for me. I'm allergic to palm leaves and the kids and everyone waving their palms everywhere (not to mentioned a packed church with no nearby parking for the [

I made Corned Beef and Cabbage for the first time and we loved it!
Have a great week!
I am all Irish and I HATE corned beef and cabbage. LOL I love most other things Irish but just not that! LOL Rest of your menu sounds great!
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