Nov 7, 2007

Preventing House Fires by Dryer

Each year there are more than 15,000 house fires caused in the laundry room. This means more than 300 injuries and 30 deaths a year are the direct result of blocked dryer vents. That's roughly 90 MILLION DOLLARS in damage in the US alone. Preventing this type of fire is inexpensive and easy.

Every year there are over 15,000 home fires caused by dryer fires with over 300 injuries and leading to 30 deaths. Not cleaning dryer vents also causes 90 million dollars in damages in the United States alone.

How do you know your vent needs cleaned?

The dryer is taking lots longer to dry things - think about cleaning out those vents. I notice this more on my loads of towels or heavy jeans. Generally, dryer vents should be cleaned every six months. Daylight Savings Time - the same time you change the batteries in your smoke detector - is a great time to clean those vents.

Why clean the vent?

Lint. Lint comes from clothes and the lint trap doesn't do a perfect job. Cleaning the vent outside the trap removes the extras.

Where do I find the vent?

At the back of the dryer is the "out spout" that connects to some type of tubing that routes the vent outside. Mine is a vinyl accordion tubing. Since I can reach it, I also clean the outside vent spot.

Do It Myself or Hire A Pro?

You can buy the tools and do it yourself saving a bunch of money. Go to your favorite DIY Warehouse (Lowe's is mine) or an online store for this job. You'll need a brush (round or flat) on a pole or durable line. Ask someone at the store what is best for your type of dryer.

Take care of your dryer now and prevent the risk of a fire in your home. While I use the vacuum to clean out my dryer tubes, you can BET I'm going to run to Don Aslett's Cleaning Center and get some dryer cleaning tools now.

I got the idea for this article from this source.

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