Mar 5, 2007

Party Pause...

Alright you party fiends - I've partied SO much that my carpal tunnels are awful "hurty"! I'm breaking from the festivities today but will return tomorrow. Back in force, back in the saddle, ready for more chips and dip, soda and fudge, Pepcid and Pepto.

Who DID bring the chips?!


Unknown said...

Too funny because I had the same problem. It's the first party I've ever attended where my wrists ended up hurting. :-)

Aimee said...

hey hey! thanks for the instructions on how to do a "sticky" - I left you some instructions in my comments, so check it out (if you haven't figured it out already! I am so slow!)

PS: can I just say that I hope that every time I visit your site that Shakira is playing? In my mind, I can shake it like that . . .

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